Hello, I am Liliah. I'm a Maia on MUME so naturally I hear all the gossip real life and MUME and news about the players. While many of you are just idling away or off chasing orcs or elves I'm going to write this column to fill you in about the REAL wars and celebrations on the game.

Who is dating who? Whose got a birthday? Who just graduated from college?

This and anything and everything else of interest from rumours to facts!

If you have any anniversaries, birthdays or other events you would like everyone to know about, feel free to contact me at liliah@elvenrunes.com

November 8, 2001
  • Vote above and guess the sex of Relim's next child before he could find out Nov. 12!
  • Last weekend was a good time for Fergus: after his wife Einalem had already spent 2 weeks in an airforce training in Melbourne, she again left Fergus at home alone, to visit her parents in Brisbane. This time she took their son Matthew with her, so Fergus could mume all weekend through. 
  • And yet another mume-couple needs to be noticed: these two are Niya and Hombur, who live in western side of Kopenhagen, Denmark. Hombur works as a system developer, while Niya does web-design and e-commerce for various companies. Not married, but living together, they will soon spend their 2 year anniversary of moving together.
  • Burb spent his birthday quite different from all the past ones. He was visiting his friends in another city, and while they all drank beer and had fun, he sat there and stayed sober. Not sure how this will affect our Burb in the future, but seems he handled the situation fine, apart from his friends that couldnt understand what on earth has gotten into him! 
  • A new star has risen brightly in the BN sky. Ragface has reached level 61, the highest level bn known so far. 
  • As you probably noticed, after the last sundeath, Devastator had been gone for a week. This was his ****th (uncountable) sundeath, no wonder even he has lost the count. Still, he is back now, and seems that levels are almost flying into his account!
  • Zarhuk has not been playing for almost 2 weeks now. Still he hasn't decided if he should start playing again. There was much fun RL activity as he said, but vacations are over and school is back. And to divide schooltime with mume-time: we all know where that takes us! With that said, he logged off his maia to play some mortal.
  • Vaire and her husband were expecting their second child, but sadly that little soul has gone up to Heaven for now.
  • Dur and Casque are trying to arrange a meeting in Edinburgh, since Casque is going there in some business. They yelled at eachother during a fight, something like *smite* *smite* hey, i'm coming to Edinburgh! *smite* lets meet! *smite*. *Bolt* *bolt* ok, cool! *Smite* *bolt* Ok, mail me! Pretty hard to arrange rl stuff when in fight, you see!
  • Some mean carnivores have infested the Valinor, eating the boards in the rooms again. But in time i guess the eater shows, when he comes and complains his stomach is full of corners, and aching like he had aten a board!
  • As i was wandering around the town last evening, i saw that Xmas hassle has already began.. now, in the beginning of November! So i had an idea to get off the computer more (like that's gonna work anyway!) and prepare my house decorations myself. Wonder if i could manage making a Gandalf to my bedroom window?
  • Yet, i got another nice idea: you, who spend xmas traditional, or instead: do something real fun during that time - would you be kind and share with me your stories, so when real xmas is here, we could share some of those stories along this page? .
  • Birthdays: Bobbie and Harad both on 13th of Nov.


    I would be happy to receive new updates of all the profiles of the MUME-players. Since time has gone by, interests have changed, and people have aged .. please feel free to load me (liliah@elvenrunes.com ) with your new pics and profile updates!

    Note: I am still waiting for feedback on birthday dates, don't be shy!

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