November 1, 2001
  • As I recently returned from Riga, Latvia - I'd like to share a cool experience with you. I visited an oxygen bar over there. I don't know how much of you have heard or tried it, so i will try to describe it. The bar looks like any other, but instead of alchohol, long tubes with coloured fluids line the counter. For about 5 $ (atleast in Riga :) you are given a nasal tube, that you place into your nostrils, and other end to the tube with the fluid. You can choose/mix 4 different flavours at a time, clicking them on and off, choosing the best 'tasting' air for you. From what i myself experienced, Nirvana/Tangerine/Pear was the best *nod self*. When your minutes are up and you stop breathing that wonderful combo of oxygene and aromatherapy oils, the 'regular' ear feels like a cereal porridge trying to push through your lungs. I guess that would mean that the oxygen is good, although we all know that oxygen really is the 'thing' that is to blame for aging humans. As a memory, from the bar, my used nasal tube still sits on my bedroom shelf, reminding me to go back there, as fast as i can.. Ohh, and some of you that are troubled with poisons like alchohol, smoke, and drugs: some people say that breathing in oxygen makes you slighly high :)... so go try that instead!
  • Jabba had an unfortunate accident this monday. It was raining and he and his father were trying to get some work done in the garage of his house. During that he did a bad move with his hand, and ripped the sinew of his left hands thumb off. Now it is completely in cast, and it was operated in full narcosis. Jabba is off the work until 10th december, and not even playing mume, since he doesnt master the one-hand typing and pk yet. So if he isn't answering your tells as fast as he should, don't get mad! Same time he and his girl Vibeke are starting to move in together to where Jabba lives. 
  • Cele has finally gotten his wished job. He now works full time on this, and has vary few time to mume, as schoolworks need to be done also. But if he has spare time, he just might pop in to check the news.
  • Dur has settled down in Edinburgh, and got a new job with his own office and PC. Not quite as much time to play mume, as before, but own office is nice, as he has said himself. He is doing a research job in one of Edinburgh's universities.
  • Amandil has still about 145 days left in the army, and he is currently off duty and home for a week. He also got a promotion from the usual soldier to the corporal.
  • As I promised, the Czech Mume Meeting pics will appear to the player pages soon. keep checking, since i already received them from Shagrath! Also a warning since Shagrath claimed he was lazy to make the pictures in the first stage of the meeting, most might seem a little or more blurred, as everyone had already partied for some time!
  • Birthdays: Burb on 3th of Nov. Dur will be 26 on the 4th Nov and also Forin has a birthday on 4th Nov.

    I would be happy to receive new updates of all the profiles of the MUME-players. Since time has gone by, interests have changed, and people have aged .. please feel free to load me ( ) with your new pics and profile updates!

    Note: I am still waiting for feedback on birthday dates, don't be shy!

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